A green transport hub as an example for a sustainable design

Trygve Lies Plass

The competition brief contained input from an unusually complex set of agents with different wishes for the development of the Plaza – a green transport hub as an example for a sustainable design.

A number of workshops were held in order to collaborate with the neighbours and collect their wishes for the plaza. We made a lot of attempts to make complex faceted responses, but mid process we decided that the question should be: Can we make a simple architectural response, an Architectural Synthesis that can answer to the complexity of the brief? Simple form – complex performance.

There are two main objectives: one of a social nature, aimed to generate urban, economic, cultural, sport, recreational, activities in a multipurpose space, and one of an environmental nature – the bioclimatic adaptation of an outdoor space reacting differently according to the weather conditions.

Main conceptional components include an urban topographical carpet, a green gradation to urban public and programatic urban actions in order to create and promote identity and citizenship appropriation (green-Furuset, art -Furuset, play-Furuset, light-Furuset, shop- Furuset…)

Year 2016

Location Oslo, Norway

Comission 1st Prize Open competition

Client Municipality of Oslo

Status 1st place

Project Area 5.200m2

Architects Mestres Wåge Arkitekter, Mendoza Partida, BAX Studio

Consultants Degree of Freedom AS & Granlund Consulting OY: Gaute Mo, Marcin Kaciak, Ville Reikanen, Juha Viholainen